Tag Archives: Justin Bieber

Kid, You’ll Move Mountains, Justin Bieber: A Summerfest to Rember.

11 Jun

Original photo credit: Lenny Gilmore. New and improved band photo courtesy of Yeti.Aim.Fire.

It worked to get Betty White on Saturday Night Live, so why wouldn’t it work to get Justin Bieber to drum for Kid, You’ll Move Mountains at Summerfest in Milwaukee?

Who knows  exactly how it started, but local indie dream-boats, Kid, You’ll Move Mountains, have Bieber fever, and they have it bad. If you also have Bieber fever, or any interest in joining the campaign to get him to drum with Mountains check out their Facebook page.

KYMM are getting a ton of press, so hopefully it will pay off in the form of a 16-year-old pop wunderkind with bad hair going to town on ‘Make it Sing,’ or ‘Volts’, on the Cascio Interstate Music/WMSE/Shepherd Express Stage in Milwaukee. I’m not really sure what KYMM’s drummer Nate Lanthrum will do while his charmingly ramshackle drum set is taken over, but I’m sure some excellent picture taking, or additional percussion will be in store.

Also as a total bonus, local psychedelic-grunge-whiz-kids, Geronimo, will join the festival fun on the same stage at 3:00 on Sunday. Whether or not Bieber concedes to Kid, You’ll Move Mountains’ request, it’s guaranteed to be a blast. Check out the Summerfest lineup to see what else is in store from the “world’s largest music festival”